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  • I notice an odour when I use tampons or pads. Is there an odour with La Belle?
    Typically, menstrual flow only begins to develop an odour when it is exposed to air, which means that you shouldn’t experience the same odour that is present with tampons and pads. However, an odour could develop if you wear the La Belle longer than the recommended 12 hours without removing and cleaning.
  • Can I wear the Le Belle when I _______?
    You can wear the Le Belle for any activity you participate in while menstruating, except for vaginal intercourse. This includes swimming, scuba diving, camping, sleeping, running, yoga, weightlifting, gymnastics – you name it! If you are using the correct size and have inserted La Belle correctly, it should not move out of place or leak no matter your activity level. NOTE: La Belle should be used during menstruation only, and should not be inserted at any other time.
  • My La Belle has started to change color. Should I replace it?
    Over time, your La Belle may change in colour with use. This is common, and nothing to worry about – but it is a good idea to change it within a six month period
  • When should I replace my La Belle?
    As La Belle is a personal hygiene product, we recommend that you inspect your cup regularly for signs of deterioration such as a sticky or powdery film, severe discoloration or odour, etc. If you detect any of these signs, or if you experience irritation, we recommend you replace your La Belle with a new one. Depending on factors such as vaginal pH, how well and often the cup is cleaned, what cleansing agents are used, etc., the lifespan may vary. Our general guideline is to replace it every six months, but ultimately, it is up to the consumer to decide when it is necessary to replace the cup.
  • How much blood does it hold?
    Our La Belle size 1 holds 30ml of menstrual flow and size 2 holds just over 32 ml. For comparison, the average regular sized tampon holds about 5 ml of menstrual flow.
  • How should I get ready to use it for the first time?
    Before your first La Belle use, submerge the La Belle in an open pot of boiling water for 5 – 10 minutes, using a stainless steel pot that is designated to boil your La Belle. This is a mandatory first step. It is not necessary to boil your La Belle between cycles, as regular cleaning can be sufficient.
  • Can I have sex with my La Belle in?
    As the La Belle sits low in the vaginal canal, it cannot be worn during vaginal intercourse and should be removed before engaging in this kind of sexual activity.
  • Are there any special circumstances where I shouldn’t use my La Belle?
    If you have any medical concerns or conditions, please speak to your healthcare provider prior to using the La Belle. There is no known increased risk of yeast infections with the use of menstrual cups. However, if you have a vaginal infection, it is best to discontinue use of the La Belle until the infection has cleared up completely. If you used your La Belle while you had a yeast infection, we recommend replacing the cup with a new one. Never use your La Belle at the same time that you are using a topical medication in your vaginal area. The medication may compromise the silicone of your La Belle and ruin it. If this happens, please replace the cup with a new one. Your La Belle should not be used for postnatal bleeding. Please contact your physician before using any internal period care product after childbirth. For further questions concerning vaginal infections and use of a menstrual cup, please contact a physician or healthcare provider.
  • Could I have an allergic reaction to the La Belle?
    It is extremely rare to have an allergy or sensitivity to silicone. Studies indicate that silicone is biocompatible with the body, which is why silicone has been used in healthcare applications for over 50 years. If you do experience skin sensitivity, immediately discontinue use and contact your health care provider.
  • I have a latex allergy. Can I use La Belle?
    La Belle is made from durable, top quality, medical grade silicone that is suitable for use by those with latex allergies, because it is nitrosamine and latex-free.
  • How long can I wear my La Belle?
    The La Belle can be worn for up to 12 consecutive hours, depending on your flow. It should be emptied, washed and rinsed a minimum of two to three times per 24-hour period.
  • Is it messy?
    Using the La Belle does require you to get a little more up close and personal with your flow, but it is clean and comfortable to use. Be sure to wash your hands well before inserting and removing, as well as after you’re finished reinserting.
  • What if I can’t get it out?
    It can take some time to get the hang of insertion and removal. However, the vaginal canal is an elastic, muscular tube only about (10.2 – 12.7 cm long – there is nowhere for the La Belle to get “lost” inside you, as the vagina does not connect to other parts of the body. When inserted correctly, La Belle should sit low at the base of the canal, away from the cervix, making it possible for you to reach the stem and grip the base to remove it. Making sure you keep your muscles relaxed for removal is key! Watch a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist walk you through removal here.
  • How do I clean my La Belle in a public bathroom?
    When in a public washroom, some consumers are not comfortable washing their La Belle in the sink out in the open. If this is the case, wash your hands thoroughly before entering the stall, empty the contents of your La Belle into the toilet and simply use a dry or damp tissue to clean the cup. At the next convenient time, clean as per the instruction manual. Always wash your La Belle using potable water that is safe to drink, including when traveling or camping.
  • I bought a new La Belle. How do I dispose of my old one?
    To dispose of your La Belle, thoroughly wash the cup, cut it up into smaller pieces, and dispose in the trash. Most regions do not have convenient access to silicone recycling facilities. However, silicone starts out as sand and degrades over time, depending on the temperature, anaerobic activity and moisture in the landfill, which means that your La Belle will eventually break down.
  • Does using La Belle protect me from unwanted pregnancy?
    No. La Belle is not a birth control device and should not be used for this purpose
  • Can I pee/poop when I’m using my La Belle?
    Yes. The La Belle should not interfere with your ability to urinate or have a bowel movement.
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