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How to use La Belle 

STEP 1 - CLEANING: It is important to

disinfect or sterilise your La Belle Menstrual Cup

before and after use. Soak your cup for 3 minutes

in boiling water prior to first use. Thereafter, use a

silicon friendly cleaner, or antibacterial soap

before and after use. Wash hands thoroughly

before insertion of the cup.

Fold the cup in two twice lengthwise and insert it.

Upon insertion your cup will unfold fully.


STEP 2 - INSERTION: After you have

washed your hands, fold the menstrual

cup, hold the bottom of the menstrual cup

and push it into the vagina gently until it

reaches the cervix. Then rotate the cup

to ensure it is fully open and a seal has been

created to the vagina wall. Adjust the

handle at the bottom so it sits comfortably

and can be easily reached for retrieval.



STEP 3 - PLACEMENT: You can try and

rotate the cup slightly for maximum comfort

and to ensure proper placement. With correct

insertion, the cup will sit comfortably within

the vaginal walls. Once correctly

inserted, the cup should not be easily

detected. Ensure that the cup has fully opened.

This will prevent any leakage from



STEP 4 - RETRIEVAL: Hold the bottom of

the cup with your fingers and press the

cup,  body slightly bent forward, sitting or hovering

over the toilet. Gently drag the

menstrual cup down until released.

Tip contents into the toilet.

Thoroughly clean your cup as per the

cleaning instructions and re-insert according

to your personal menstruation situation.

The cup can be re-used over and over with

proper care and meticulous cleaning before

and after use.

Why not store one in your handbag in the

hygiene pouch while you’re on the go and

the other at home for peace of mind.

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